Alpine summer

Work resume

Report generated by:

   void UVEG::DEBUG::markdown_tools::print_markdown(const string&, std::ostream&) const // "markdown_tools.cpp" 363

Machine environment

             Hostname: mlwn01
 Number of processors: 96
      Used processors: 56
              Machine: x86_64
              Sysname: Linux
           OS Release: 3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64
              Version: #1 SMP Tue Feb 4 23:02:59 UTC 2020
                Loads: 1.24,3.91,5.75
            Total Ram: 377 GB.
             Free Ram: 248 GB.
            Total Ram: 377 GB.
           Shared Ram: 0 KB.
         Buffered Ram: 16.3 MB.
           Total Swap: 4 GB.
            Free Swap: 16.3 MB.
                 Date: Tuesday, 4 August 2020
          Software Id: $Id: d2e580c190da31c55ddf430aa182c7a2a164a4c9 $
User software version: V2.0_pre_development
          Institution: (UVEG) Universitat de Valencia-Estudi General/(CSIC) IFIC
        Software name: SGM C++ program V2.0 or above
             Comments: File generated by SGM software (c) 2020

Timing benchmark

Name Time Loops Speed (iters/s)
Normalization GAIN/OFFSET 15 mins. 3.6e+07 3.9e+04
TOA calculation 1.2 hours. 1.1e+08 2.5e+04

Long test reports

Sensor simulation

This is an standard test of a CHIME containing these main simulation parameters

Parameter Value
Date time 2029-06-02T10:22:27.000Z
Zone Hemisphere ZONE:31HEM:’N
HR_min_wavelength 400
HR_max_wavelength 2480
HR_spectral_resolution 2
HR_spatial_scale_factor 3
HR_spatial_margin 150
DEM_flag 1
land_cover_map_option 2
atmospheric_parameters_map_option 1
atmospheric_parameter_name CWV;AOT;ICLD
atmospheric_parameter_units “g/cm^3”;“";"
cloud_map_option 0
atmospheric_parameter_units “g/cm^3”;“";"

Final tasks output writer

Map UTM no oriented full_oriented_los_state_sensor.png

DEM Map projection Pure sensor view generated internally oriented_sensor.png

DEM Map Sensor view ROI projected in REALDEM sensor_region_area_full_map.png

ROI sensor view RGB averaged TOA rgb_toa.png

Toa radiance Spectrum heatmap heat_map_logaritmic.png

Heatmap (linear values) Spectrum heatmap heat_map.png

Heatmap (logarigmic values) LOS map lacasitos_los.png

LOS map) STATE map lacasitos_state.png

STATE map) Computational ORDER gain/offset calculation computational_order_pre.png

Computational map order Computational ORDER TOA calculation computational_order_toa.png

Computational map order Raw elevation elevation.png

Raw elevation BW RGB colormap for DEM real elevation elevation_color.png

RGB colormap for DEM real elevation (colormap poster) Lambertian light reflexion lambertian_ligth_component.png

Lambertian light reflexion RGB colormap for DEM real elevation width lambertian light reflexion lambertian_with_dem.png

DEM with scene lambertian light reflexion Mountain shadow mask shadows_mask.png

Mountain shadow mask RGB colormap for DEM real elevation width SHOADOW attenuation shadow_with_dem.png

DEM with scene idth SHOADOW attenuation Clound mak cloud_mask.png

Clooud mask Solar Zenit Angle sza.png

cos(Solar Zenit Angle) Sun Visualization angle raa.png

cos(Sun Visualization angle) Latitide lat.png

Latitide Residual latitide, latitude at elipsoid residual_lat_elipsoid.png

Residual latitide, latitude at elipsoid Longitude lon.png

Longitude Residual longitude, longitude at elipsoid lon_elipsoid.png

Residual longitude, longitude at elipsoid

Opened files for writing

Inventory of files opened for writing


Opened files for reading

Inventory of files opened for writing


Probe list used for this test

Probe list used for this test

Normalization GAIN/OFFSET

First pass evaluation over all pixels to find the gain and the offset to provide compression.

Time used:15 mins.

TOA calculation

Full TOA calculation and saving

Time used:1.2 hours.